July 10, 2014

Chance Meeting (A Poem)

Chance Meeting

By Leo Kee Chye

Remember the day we met,
Not through date as though by fate,
The moment we laid eyes on each other,
Your glance told me all;
By my gesture, you seemed to know.

What a concoction of chemistry,
That I blurred all sense of time,
Found no use of words.
I must have known you long before,
Locked in emotions that transcend all.

We might have shared a past;
Or to partner a future.
That we can never know.
Yet my heart danced to its possibility;
I know you felt too.

The spell’s now broken.
Sense and time descended on us.
Separate ways we must go,
To the lives we had before.
I reached out my hand,
Fearing the unthinkable,
But away you turned,
Conceding the inevitable.

Yet this chance meeting is etched in my memory,
In a special place forever reserved for you only.